For Hong Kong Orders 香港订单

Delivery Method 运送方式 Order Amount 订单金额 Delivery Charge 运费

SF Express 顺丰速递 > HKD $500 Free 免费

SF Express 顺丰速递 < HKD $500 HKD $35

*如派送地点属非工商地区或香港偏远地区覆盖范围,须于收件时向顺丰支付$30附加费。 *If the delivery location is in a non-industrial and commercial area or a remote area in Hong Kong, a $30 surcharge must be paid to SF Express at the time of collection.

(有关香港偏远地区覆盖范围请参考 For coverage of remote areas in Hong Kong, please refer to:


For Macau Orders 澳门订单

Delivery Method 运送方式 Order Amount 订单金额 Delivery Charge 运费

SF Express 顺丰速递 > HKD $500 Free 免费

SF Express 顺丰速递 < HKD $500 HKD $35


For International Orders国际订单

Coming Soon 即将推出



1) 免邮费只包括第1次的派递服务。如第1次送件不成功,顺丰将以您购物时预留的联络电话联系您,安排下次送件日期及时间。

2) 如包裹最终送递不果而退回我们的仓库,我们将收取您再次派递的服务费用。

3) 当包裹送抵送货地点并签收(包括收件人或代收件人签署)后,我们将视之为【送件完成】。如【送件完成】后有任何货物丢失情况,该损失将由客户自行承担。